
Video Marketing is effective!

You may already know video content is widely considered to be more engaging and memorable than other visual formats, but aside from this, what else makes video content so effective in real estate listings or rentals?


  • Video content helps you build deeper relationships. 83% of marketers use video to generate new leads. Since real estate and rentals are at its core a relationship-based business, videos are a great way to nurture your know-like-trust factor with new prospects, even before they meet you in person.
  • Videos help sell your listings or make a rental faster. People buy homes or rent cabins with their eyes. In fact, listings and rentals with videos have been shown to receive 403% more inquiries than those without.
  • Video content offers awesome ROI. Video content can be repurposed in many ways, increasing engagement across all your marketing channels.

What is the Purpose?

The purpose of adding video marketing to your photo collection is simple.


For HOME RESALES, it is to increase the number of contacts from prospective buyers. Qualified contacts that could lead to a scheduled showing.

For CABIN RENTALS, it is to increase the number of contacts from prospective renters.

Qualified contacts that could lead to a booking for a weekend or a vacation.



Internet traffic is worse than Atlanta traffic!

We are living in a media rich information age and the number of real estate videos and photos on the Internet is simply staggering. Just posting another video is not going to get you more contacts. To succeed at achieving more contacts, qualified contacts, the video must be able to:


  1. Stand out in a sea of real estate images and videos,
  2. Capture and hold the viewers’ attention in the first 10 seconds, and then
  3. Presents a compelling story and then simply
  4. Enable them to take action…to contact you to learn more!

This requires a deliberate process I liken to that of wine tasting.


Stand out with a compelling video Thumbnail. Videos have labels just like wine. Crafting an eye-catching Thumbnail is the label that entices the viewer to want a taste.


Capture and hold with an exciting intro that convinces the viewer to continue watching within the first 10 seconds. This is the sniffing and swishing part.


Present a compelling story that you know will interest your target audience. Sometimes this may require more than one video, but it must anchor interest immediately. This is when the final verdict on the wine is made. This is the final assessment and decision.


Enable them to take action. If everything above has worked its magic, the remaining step is to have an extro that make it easy for the prospective buyer or renter to arrange a meeting or call. This is giving a wine the thumbs up and taking the next step.


The Key Video you will need...

I have found there are three types of videos that may be needed but the one that is absolutely essential is the Hero video.


The Hero video is designed to hook the viewer in the first 10 seconds and then focus their attention on property details that most interest your target customer. It is SHORT. Total video time…45 seconds to 1 ½ minutes and it is the gateway to having the prospective buyer or renter ask for more…another glass please!


In some cases, when the prospective buyer or seller is far away, it may be necessary to produce a longer form Tourist video that typically touches every interior space and exterior feature of the property. If a Tourist video is required, a Hero video can usually be derived from it. Total video time…1 to 2 minutes.


For some properties, the Place is just as important as the Property and, in some instances, more important. This may be due to the exceptional nature of the location, as with the beautiful North Georgia mountains, or the lack of features in the property itself. In this case, an Explorer video would extend the Touring video into the local area features. Total video time…1 ¾ minutes to 2 ½ minutes.


Finally, each of the three types of videos, Hero, Tourist and Explorer can be enhanced with another unique feature…You! Guided videos offer a chance to add a personal touch. This can be on-camera or a voiceover integrated into an appropriate video.


Where to start?

If video is new for you, I suggest you test the effectiveness of video in your market beginning with a good Hero video with the idea of tracking whether it is getting traction (more contacts) knowing that it takes time for any new approach to take effect. In the beginning, it can be best to use this to learn what really works and what doesn’t. Improve what works and eliminate what doesn’t.

Look over the Services page to see samples of these types of videos together with sample drone video and photos. The service page will also have a current typical prices list and explain the various capabilities available.

Check out the top 9 most engaging videos for listings or rentals

Repurpose your video content

One of the main advantages of video is how easily it can be repurposed for other marketing channels.

I can create shorter clips with highlights from your longer videos and you can then distribute them on your social media channels. Use videos in your email newsletters. Transcribe interviews into text and publish them on your blog and website.

There’s almost no limit to how many times you can repurpose your video content, which means that when used creatively, a single video can keep driving business months after it’s been shot.