
On Demand

On Demand videos are “packaged” videos with specific numbers of location clips, aerial clips, backtrack music, and video duration. Most often the video is to be included on your website and/ or repurposed for social media. These could include home tours, listing videos, area highlights and drone video/ photo. As you review pricing, there are two dimensions I use to determine the price of a standard project.


Dimension 1) Property Size. Small, Medium, and Large. Square footage and other factors are involved but we can work together to determine this.

Dimension 2) Video Type. Hero, Tourist, and Explorer. Hero Videos are short feature videos of the property. Tourist Videos are full videos of the property. Explorer Videos are essentially the Tourist plus relevant locale attractions or features that enhance the property. Detailed descriptions of the various types can be found here.


By referencing dimension 1 on the row of the price list and dimension 2 on the column, you will find the typical video duration and costs. All options include branding, contact information and a music track.

By Design

By Design services are part of a custom video offering that could consist of either regular recording events such as weekly podcasts, local interviews, expert interviews, and market breakdown or one-time informational videos such as meet the agent,  day in the life, evergreen educational, testimonials, area highlights, and meet the team. These projects vary and I will need to meet with you directly to design the project and work out an agreeable cost. 

Why Summit West Designs?

During 20+ years, I have produced promotional videos for various non-profit organizations and in all that time my passion has always been for video storytelling as a means of communicating purpose and meaning.


Storytelling is an appeal to the emotions, which is why it is so effective in video marketing…and I find it true for real estate as well. It is a maxim of sales that clients justify their purchases RATIONALLY but the real trigger that causes them to commit and buy is an EMOTIONAL response, which is why storytelling is so effective in presenting your brand…YOU…and the properties you represent. Why? Because…


  • Stories speak to us emotionally: People base many of their decisions on how they feel. Clients are more loyal to brands with which they emotionally connect and over time come to know, like and trust.
  • They increase trust and engagement: Stories engage people on a personal, values-based level. They can also help “humanize” a brand (people connect with other ‘people,’ not faceless offices), increasing trust and compelling clients to become brand advocates.
  • They offer a competitive advantage: Stories leave lasting impressions, and since everyone’s story is unique, they can work to differentiate a brand or prevent an idea from being lost in the “noise” of competing messages.
  • They encourage action: Because stories help people better visualize a way forward and understand the implications of taking action, they feel more confident in doing so.
  • They create memories: Stories linger in the mind because they are easier to remember than disparate concepts and details. People are more likely to buy into an idea or become a client when they have more exposure to that idea or brand. Stories increase this exposure because they are easily recalled long after they are shared.

My mission as a video storyteller is to present you and your properties in a memorable way that Drives Interest, Builds Your Brand,
and Increases Your Sales.